08 September 2010

I have an opinion about vegetarianism. Part 2

Part 2: Body

Physically, we are omnivores. What does this mean? How do I know this? And why does our biological make-up dictate what we choose to eat?

First, an omnivore is one who eats both vegetable matter and meat. Cows are vegetarians (vegetable-eaters). Coyotes are carnivores (meat-eaters). Humans are omnivores. The hallmarks of a vegetarian species are blunt teeth (made to crush the tougher plant matter) and an extra-long digestive track (because vegetables are harder to break down than meats). The hallmarks of a carnivore are the opposite - sharper teeth and a shorter digestive track. The human system is classic omnivore: grinding teeth in the back, canines and sharp teeth in the front, and a medium length intestinal track.

So, we are biologically, technically, omnivorous. Why should our ancestral past dictate what we eat today? Why can't we choose to be vegetarians? Because our system is designed to expect meat - we need the nutrients from meat in addition to what we get from veggies. Not just the iron and B vitamins, but the animal oils - things you can't get from supplements. And if you do recognize that a lack of meat results in the need for supplements in your diet, than I know you've already recognized that your body is not designed to be a vegetarian.  And not all suppliments are equal to the real thing.  Take B12 for instance - just because it is listed, doesn't mean it is in a form that your system knows how to use.  See the American Journal of Clinical Nutritian:  http://www.ajcn.org/cgi/reprint/48/3/852

Your body is smart. Some of you think that when you are craving a steak, you just need more protein. So you eat nuts, broccoli, beans ... all of which have parts of proteins. But you are not getting complete proteins. If you are smart about it - well educated in how to get all the pieces you need, you may be able to maintain a diet that is Good Enough. Good Enough to keep you alive, which is pretty impressive.  But I, for one, don't want a diet that is Good Enough.  I want to thrive. 

I have heard the argument that people should choose to be vegetarians and that, over time, evolution will alter our systems to compensate. Okay - go for it! Give it a shot! I'm not going to stop you. And if you do succeed to alter our species' design, I will be the first in line to congratulate you ... in a few thousand years. The new human will be kinder, gentler, shorter, more brittle-boned, hunched over, slower of thought, slower runners, short tempered, forgetful, and pale.

Please, for the sake of your children, at least eat a fish. Red meat is very important also, but please - at least eat fish, drink milk, eat eggs. Read - learn the science of your decisions.  If you are concerned enough to drastically alter your natural diet, you should be concerned enough to read up on the benifits of meat and not just anti-meat propaganda.  Can it be unhealthy in excess?  Sure!  So can potatoes. 

Find out about higher incidence of malnutritian, cancer, immune-deficiency, and bad skin. Humans are made to eat meat and vegetables. You can't just choose to be a cow. Cows have four stomach cavities. Cows have longer intestines. Cows system's are designed to convert grass into the muscle-building proteins that they need, but humans' systems simply don't work that way. Humans can't perform photosynthesis either.  We need vegetables - and lots of them, all colors.  But that is not enough.

To be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. You might enjoy Allan Savory's video explaining how grazing animals actually improve the soil and create a situation in which MORE carbon is sequestered. Grazing animals mimic nature. Factory farming and veganism are just 2 radical extremes of the same issue.

    http://vimeo.com/8239427 It's called Keeping Cattle: cause or cure for climate crisis?

    Very well thought out blog, by the way. Thank goodness for people who can think clearly about things.
